Sunday, November 16, 2008


Darling Emma, who loves the puggies, would never ever put something like this on her ever so tasteful blog White and Wander. But she doesn't fool me, I know she'll love it.

Pic from B&T mag - an ad for a digital retouching and 3D creative company
If only....
PS. I wonder if they are Choc Chip


Brown Button Trading said...

seriously disturbing!!! But I can hear Emma killing herself with laughter at this one, she seriously doesn't need any encouragement!!! x

Emma said...

Killing myself is a total understatement - I am at home on a day off and am sitting in my bath towel on the couch wetting myself! I am so going to lower the tone of White & Wander an put stuff like that up - GOLD!

Disturbing? Nah ... xx

Romana said...

you know, it isn't even the "product" that has me is the poor little pug's facial....poor guy! no-one likes to have their photo taken when they are pooping!!! lol

shilvia said...

LOL!!! this picture is forever kept in my mind... i'm going to giggle non stop for the whole day now!!! :D

Ms Unreliable said...

So glad I took Emma's advice and didn't look at this during work hours, I doubt my bosses would be impressed with a coffee-covered computer!
Maybe this is all I need to convince Mr. Unreliable that we -need- a Pug!

Sara Bradshaw said...

Ewwww! Funny though :)