It was about a group of teenage girls in Sydney who were sunbaking with their mobile phone numbers in zinc across their back.
“At least they were responsible enough to wear sunscreen; they’re Slip Slop Slappers.”
Speaking of slappers and those who deserve gold, pick up line of the week goes to my friend Jemima*
Jemima: You're very cute
Random Boy at the pub: Why thank you. Can I buy you a drink?
J: Certainly, I'll have the most expensive cocktail on the list thanks
RB: Sure....So, what are you doing after here?
J: I'm not sure, but I can tell you that you may have a chance of coming back to my place
RB: Sounds good!
J: But first, I think we need to pash so I see if you're a good kisser, and only THEN will I decide if you can come home with me or not. Ok?
Later - (J and RB - pashing in the corner of a pub behind a curtain).
PS. He wasn’t good enough
*Name has been changed to protect the not so innocent
Love that you published that - I have a very strong suspicion I know who that was - good on her I say - excellent prevention of potential disaster - in the world of public health we call this screening!
LOL, you always knows just the funniest thing to say :) somehow this post makes me miss sun baking moments!!!
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